Flamenco Real
Lucía Álvarez "La piñona"
31 May, 23 - 02 Jun, 23

Desvaríos is a starting point, it is an open project in which the bailaora explores dance and her own limits, thus taking her body both to its maximum exponent as well as to absolute emptiness, working from the sensory, from the intuitive. The «desvaríos» are pieces that change and mutate as the bailaora does, thus, each desvarío is unique and unrepeatable. The artist surrounds herself with musicians with whom she shares these ravings and other delusions and who provoke a range of emotions in her. This proposal bets on the simple, it is wild, natural. More than teaching, it is sharing a journey through the senses, through the body and the space of artists and the audience.
Lucía Álvarez "La Piñona" | Dance
Ezequiel Montoya | Singing
Jesús Corbacho | Singing
Ramón Amador | Guitar
- Date/hour
- Space
- Cast
- Subscription ticket
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